As we age, maintaining balance becomes increasingly crucial for our overall well-being. Every year, millions of individuals suffer from falls, leading to injuries and hospitalizations. However, many of these falls are preventable with the right measures in place. One such measure is undergoing a preventative balance screening.

The MoveWell balance screening involves a series of tests and assessments designed to evaluate an individual’s balance as well as important functional movements such as getting on and off the floor. It helps identify any existing balance issues or potential risk factors for falls. By detecting these issues, appropriate interventions can be implemented to maintain mobility and independence. Or if you have had a fall we can work to prevent another!

Benefits of Balance Screening:

  • Early Detection: As we age, changes in muscle strength, flexibility, and sensory perception can affect our balance. These changes are often present and detectable before they rise to a noticeable level. 
  • Personalized Intervention: Balance screenings provide valuable insights into an individual’s specific risk factors for falls. Based on the results, we can develop a personalized plan tailored to address your needs. This may involve exercises you do independently at home, or a series of physical therapy visits depending on the results of the evaluation. YES, balance and strength can improve at any age!
  • Improved Quality of Life: Maintaining good balance is essential for performing daily activities independently and participating in social and recreational activities. By enhancing balance and reducing the fear of falling, balance screenings can significantly improve older adults’ quality of life, allowing them to remain active, engaged, and confident in their abilities.