Holistic Rehabilitation at Set: A Comprehensive Approach to Healing

Holistic Rehabilitation at Set: A Comprehensive Approach to Healing

Introduction to Orthopedics at SetPT

At Set, we redefine physical therapy by embracing a holistic approach that transcends traditional methods. We don’t just focus on the injury; we delve deep into movement dysfunctions to uncover the root causes of musculoskeletal pain and impairment. Understanding body movement is crucial in our methodology, offering deeper insights into each patient’s unique condition.

Introduction to Orthopedics at SetPT

At Set, we redefine physical therapy by embracing a holistic approach that transcends traditional methods. We don’t just focus on the injury; we delve deep into movement dysfunctions to uncover the root causes of musculoskeletal pain and impairment. Understanding body movement is crucial in our methodology, offering deeper insights into each patient’s unique condition.

Our Approach to Treating Key Areas:

Shoulder, Hip, and Lumbar Spine

At Set, we understand that each part of the body is unique in its function and the challenges it faces. Here is a glimpse into our approach to evaluating three different areas of the body. 

Our Approach to Treating Key Areas:

Shoulder, Hip, and Lumbar Spine

At Set, we understand that each part of the body is unique in its function and the challenges it faces. Here is a glimpse into our approach to evaluating three different areas of the body. 

Shoulder Rehabilitation:

A Focus on Functional Movement and Stability

At Set, our approach to shoulder rehabilitation is tailored to address a wide range of conditions, including rotator cuff impingement, SLAP tears, bursitis, and more.

Here’s our comprehensive method:

Through this detailed evaluation and treatment approach, we aim to address the complexities of shoulder issues, creating personalized strategies to optimize shoulder function and reduce the risk of future injuries.

Movement and Positioning Assessment

We assess the movement and positioning of the scapula (shoulder blade) during various shoulder motions. Identifying and addressing abnormal scapular movement, or scapular dyskinesis, is key to resolving shoulder pain and dysfunction.

Examining Range of Motion

Our therapists evaluate the range of motion and mobility of the glenohumeral joint – the ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder. We look for restricted or excessive motion as indicators of potential shoulder issues.

Identifying Imbalances

We focus on identifying muscle imbalances around the shoulder, particularly between the rotator cuff muscles and larger muscle groups like the deltoids, which can impact joint stability and function.

Evaluating Overall Posture

A thorough evaluation of the patient’s overall posture is conducted to understand how it influences shoulder mechanics. This includes assessing the alignment of the head, neck, and upper back in relation to the shoulder complex.

Assessing Upper Back Mobility

The mobility of the thoracic spine is examined, as limitations in this area can affect shoulder function due to the interconnectedness of the spine and shoulder.

Analyzing Kinetic Chain and Neck Mobility

We consider the mobility of the neck and its potential impact on shoulder function, recognizing that dysfunctions can affect adjacent regions.

Tailoring Stability Exercises

Our therapists prescribe dynamic stability exercises that challenge the shoulder’s ability to stabilize during movement, engaging the rotator cuff muscles and scapular stabilizers.

Hip Rehabilitation:

A Focus on Mobility and Strength

At Set, our approach to hip rehabilitation is meticulously designed to address a variety of conditions, from arthritis to sports injuries, ensuring a comprehensive and effective recovery process.

Here’s our comprehensive method:

Through this detailed evaluation and treatment approach, we aim to address the complexities of hip issues, creating personalized strategies to optimize hip function and reduce the risk of future injuries.

Assess the alignment and stability of the pelvis during various movements, as imbalances or misalignments can significantly impact hip function.
Evaluate the range of motion and mobility of the hip joint, focusing on detecting any restrictions or excessive movements that could indicate underlying issues.
Identify any muscle imbalances around the hip, particularly between the hip flexors, extensors, abductors, and adductors, which can lead to dysfunction and pain.
Conduct an overall posture evaluation, as poor posture can affect hip mechanics. The therapist would observe the alignment of the lower back, pelvis, and legs.
Examine the interplay between the lumbar spine, sacroiliac joint, and hip, understanding their mutual influence on each other’s function.
Investigate how the hip behaves during functional movements like walking, squatting, or climbing stairs to pinpoint dysfunction.
Design dynamic stability exercises and strength training tailored to improve hip stabilization and address specific weaknesses identified in the assessment.

Lumbar Spine Rehabilitation:

A Focus on Neuromuscular Control of Stabilizers of the Spine and Gait

At Set, our approach to lumbar spine rehabilitation is expertly tailored to address a spectrum of conditions, from chronic back pain to post-operative recovery, ensuring a holistic and effective path to spinal health.

Here’s our comprehensive method:

Through this detailed evaluation and treatment approach, we aim to address the complexities of spinal issues, creating personalized strategies to optimize spine function and reduce the risk of future injuries.

Assess the range of motion and mobility of the lumbar spine, noting any limitations or asymmetrical movements that could contribute to pain or dysfunction.
Evaluate the strength and coordination of core muscles, which play a crucial role in supporting the lumbar spine and maintaining proper alignment.
Examine pelvic tilt and alignment, as imbalances here can have a direct impact on lumbar spine health.
Conduct a thorough posture and ergonomic assessment, identifying how daily activities and sitting/standing postures affect the lumbar spine.
Analyze gait and examine how lumbar spine mobility and stability influence walking patterns, identifying irregularities or compensations in gait that could be contributing to lumbar discomfort or dysfunction.
Investigate the movement between individual vertebral segments to identify any dysfunction or abnormal motion patterns.
Analyze how the lumbar spine functions during everyday activities, looking for compensatory patterns or movements that could exacerbate pain or injury.
Develop a program of core stability exercises, coupled with flexibility routines, to enhance lumbar spine support and alleviate stress on the vertebral structures.
Patient Testimonial

“A few years ago I unfortunately sustained two injuries to my right leg within 3 months: one related to my foot and one related to my knee. I went to an orthopedist each time, and physical therapy was never suggested. I was lucky enough to heal without surgery, but my mobility and strength were both compromised. I had always been pretty active, but these injuries had me in pain performing even the most rudimentary tasks: walking up and down stairs, for instance. I made the conscious decision to somehow get “back to normal.” At the same time, SET Physical Therapy opened at my health club. They began treating my injuries and helping me rehabilitate my leg. Within about 6 months, my mobility and leg strength was back to near normal. Thanks to them, I can fully enjoy all the physical activities in which I participated before my injuries: biking, walking, hiking, jogging, and tennis. I continue to see SetPT periodically whenever I have issues with my leg/foot. I have complete trust in their professional abilities, and I feel beyond fortunate to have them as my Physical Therapist!” –LE