Most people want their time in physical therapy to be quick and efficient, and who can blame them? Not being able to go about your daily tasks or enjoy your normal activities can be very frustrating. Going into physical therapy with the right mindset and set of tools will help make your entire experience more successful. 

These tips will ensure you get the most out of your one-on-one physical therapy sessions:

Share Your Complete History

It’s incredibly important for us to have a good understanding of what brought you to our office. We understand that some of the information might be on your paperwork. However, hearing firsthand what happened allows us to ask you follow up questions that will help us build the path to start living life your way again.

Prepare in Advance

The more prepared you are for your appointments, the more your physical therapist can achieve during your time with us. Make sure you come in comfortable clothing, preferably activewear so that moving around is easier.

Physical therapy can be very literal, meaning that you should expect to participate in movements during your session. We also want to clearly see the body parts we are addressing. If you come in for your knee but are wearing jeans, it will be much more difficult to evaluate and treat you thoroughly.

Be Timely

We understand things happen. Traffic is a pain, meetings run over, and the metro is never on time. However, being on time is crucial to success in physical therapy. We want to make the most of the time we get with you so we can complete a comprehensive evaluation and provide as much of our time as possible. It’s much harder to adequately assess and plan your program if we don’t have a full session with you regularly.

Provide Detailed Feedback

If you’ve ever been in physical therapy, you’ll notice that we generally ask how you are feeling each session. It has likely been a few days since we have seen you and a lot can happen in a few days! If you left your last session feeling good but your pain has returned, what have you been doing since? Did something specific contribute to the returning symptoms? Have you done your homework? Have you been traveling?

These may sound like annoying or innocuous questions, but they help us to understand how things are progressing and allow us to give you the tools to self-manage symptoms in between sessions, reducing the risk of future flare-ups.

Be Honest

You know how the dentist can tell if you didn’t floss? Similarly, physical therapists can tell when you didn’t do your homework or when you did something you probably shouldn’t have. Not being forthcoming with us will only prolong your pain and extend your treatment.

Ask the Right Questions

We will always try to fully explain what is going on and why we’re doing specific exercises in your sessions, but if things don’t make sense, be sure to ask clarifying questions. The more you understand your diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan, the more likely it is that you will be on board and committed to following through with the program.

Don’t Rush the Process

This is probably the most frustrating point for people, and we understand. Being told to avoid certain activities is never what people want to hear. However, every piece of advice we share is given for a reason. Sometimes, small breaks from a sport or workout are necessary to decrease symptoms and allow you to build up strength.

If you go back to these activities before your body is ready, you are likely to hit a setback. We want you to get better and will let you try things out when you’re ready. Trust us to lead you in the right direction.

Remember – you and your physical therapist are a team. We want you to return to living life your way just as much as you do, but we both have to work together to be successful. Keeping these tips in mind before and during your next session with your Set Physical Therapist will help your process significantly!