We are so excited to introduce our new webpage. It was important to us to disseminate information in a way that is easy to understand and user friendly. You will notice quite a few changes to our website. 

Here are a few highlights to help you navigate:

  • We have added an option to book an appointment online. We want you to have the flexibility to book a Telehealth appointment outside of office hours if you need a session instead of waiting for a call back. 
  • You will also see our new tagline. This phrase really expresses our commitment to you as a patient. We are here to help and learn your story so that we can provide individual care tailored to your personal needs.  

“We Do Physical Therapy Differently

  • We divided the home page into sections that allow us to really describe elements of our practice yet have still maintained the ease of a navigation bar at the top and links below. 
  • We strongly believe knowledge is a key element in healing so we have added a Patient Education Section. The area shows conditions we treat but goes deeper with information regarding Post-COVID 19 Recovery and Pelvic Health. We have continued to grow and expand our knowledge as the world around us changes. 
  • One of the most exciting sections we have added is our new Six Month Check-up. This was a concept we created based on our patients needs. It is a way for us to check in with you to address an injury before it happens. We do this by assessing YOU! We look at your movement patterns, strength and range of motion to rule in or out possible issues. By identifying problem areas, we can give you solutions before they become issues or injuries. 
  • Pay my bill online. We know how busy people are so we added this feature to allow convenience.  
  • Blogs…don’t forget our BLOG. We have reorganized this section to allow you to search by topic. This section has great information from our favorite exercises to preventing injuries to the best pillow.  

We hope you enjoy the new website!
From your team at SetPT