CrossFit was founded by Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenai[3] in 2000 as both a physical exercise philosophy and a competitive fitness sport, it works to combine elements from HIIT (high-intensity interval training), Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, kettlebell sport, calisthenics, strongman, and other exercises including yoga and spin in some areas. One can find Crossfit participants throughout the world in affiliated gyms with the majority of gyms in the United States. It has a large following and many dedicated participants compete in teams and as individuals in the Crossfit Games. One trademark of Crossfit is the WOD or Workout of the Day. This is a specific group of exercises to complete that day across all CrossFit gyms. An example would be Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps.

CrossFit uses group fitness classes as part of their model with certified coaches leading the classes. This helps ensure proper technique and guidance. Trident CrossFit in Virginia has a variety of classes including standard CrossFit Training, CrossFit Kids, Booty Camp and SealFit. For more information about their programs and what might be right for you, click the link:

According to Chriss Smith, Jr., owner of Trident CrossFit, the group fitness classes at Trident CrossFit are infectious and motivate athletes by utilizing weights, gymnastic movements, and metabolic conditioning, in a group setting where camaraderie is omnipresent. Furthermore, the ratio between the coach to the athlete is typically 8 or 9 to 1 to ensure that each athlete is coached that day with a focus on form and proper body mechanics. Not only does the class enable a person to improve their overall fitness both aerobically and anaerobically, but there is a certain amount of accountability between the coach and the athlete, allowing the athlete to make improvements with the movements over time.

Participants in CrossFit often come to the workout after sitting the majority of the day at work. Performing a dynamic movement after being in a static position during most of the day is challenging. The risk of injury can increase due to an abnormal postural position because of prolonged sitting, underlying biomechanical faults lurking under the surface, and other medical conditions.

We recommend that athletes supplement their exercise program to decrease the risk of injury. Injury prevention comes from the stance of ensuring optimal joint stability and sufficient range of motion at each joint. In order to rehabilitate injuries associated with a dynamic sport or activity, one needs to train specifically to meet goals and expectations. As a CrossFit athlete, it is important to focus on preventing injuries. A physical therapist can evaluate movements and determine what specific body parts are not functioning optimally due to a limited range of motion, strength or motor control.  
