The beginning of a new year often brings resolutions for better health and wellness with it.

If you want to make 2019 your healthiest year yet, we at SetPT have four physical therapy resolutions to help you start on the right foot.

1. Set Health Goals

Goal-setting is an essential first step when committing to the improvement of your overall health. You should be able to measure your goals by a specific number or quantity, such as “I will work out four days per week,” and timeframe to complete them by (i.e., by this July or in the next three months).

Making goals measurable with a set timeframe helps you stay motivated and accountable to achieve them on schedule.

2. Move More, and Often

It can be tough to balance exercise with a busy schedule of work, family, and travel. However, working more movement into your day doesn’t have to mean going to the gym.

You can make simple everyday changes that add up to more movement, like:

  • Parking in the furthest spot from the entrance of the store to get more steps
  • Taking a few flights of stairs rather than immediately hopping on the elevator
  • Riding your bike to work, or getting off the Metro one stop early and walking a few extra blocks

Movement doesn’t have to mean formal exercise. Any kind of movement will help you become more active overall.

3. Stay Hydrated

From not properly hydrating after workouts to drinking too much caffeine, it can be challenging to intake enough water every day. The National Academy of Medicine suggests that the average adult drink 3.7 liters of water per day.

This doesn’t mean you have to guzzle water every hour, though. Your fluid intake can also come from food and other water-based beverages. The amount of water each adult needs also greatly depends upon activity level, environmental temperature, and diet. Water is vital for daily bodily functions, so drink up!

4. Prevent Injuries

Preventing injury is a crucial part of establishing an exercise program. Your physical therapist can help you to determine how to stay as healthy and injury-free as possible as you work to achieve your fitness goals.

Whether it’s running a 5K or completing a triathlon, having your mechanics analyzed by a physical therapist can save you weeks and months of potential downtime caused by an injury.

As you work to live life your way in 2019, chances are you’ll slip up, and that’s okay. Remember that your local SetPT therapists are here to help! Schedule an appointment with us today to start getting on track.