Many people have heard of the pelvic floor but aren’t really sure what it is.

The pelvic floor is a powerful group of muscles at the base of the pelvis. Imagine the pelvis like a bowl without a bottom and the pelvic floor muscles as a sling between the tailbone and pubic bone. These muscles prevent all your internal organs from falling out and are an essential component of core stability and bladder control.

Pelvic Floor Issues

Deficiencies in the pelvic floor are common, affecting approximately 1 in 3 women, particularly many expecting and new moms.

These problems often present themselves in the following symptoms:

  • Lower back or pelvic pain
  • Pain during sexual activity
  • Intontencince during activities such as running, laughing, sneezing or lifting

Weakness in the pelvic floor can be a result of the muscles being overly stretched, like in the instance of childbirth or from having too much tension.  

Treating Dysfunction

Although pelvic floor weakness is common, it is not a normal health condition.

With the right care, there is almost always a solution to minimize or remedy these issues. A physical therapist can assess the pelvic floor and determine what specific treatments are needed to help the muscles return to their normal, efficient function.  

If you’re experiencing issues related to your pelvic floor, the therapists at SetPT are here to help you regain control.

Schedule an appointment with our physical therapists today to help remedy any symptoms of pelvic floor issues.