We’ve recently expanded the SetPT practice with a new location in Alexandria, Virginia. We are so excited to introduce our new Director of Sports Rehabilitation, Kayla Robison, PT, DPT, CSCS, EP-C, Fellow-in-training (NAIOMT). We thought our readers and patients would like to get to know Kayla, so we’ve asked her some questions about her physical therapy practice style and philosophy, as well as some other fun facts.

Tell us a little about what you did prior to joining SetPT.

I worked at another physical therapy company in the area for the previous 4 yrs as a staff physical therapist. However, I wanted to move into more of a director role as well as be a part of a smaller company environment.

What is your favorite exercise intervention?

I am a huge proponent of core stabilization (abs, glutes) exercises and incorporating the peripheral system into dynamic movement for return to sport activities.

What do all those letters after your name mean?

I hold a doctorate degree in physical therapy, I am a strength and conditioning specialist, and trained in exercise physiology for fitness. I am currently undergoing a post-professional program in which I will be a manual certified therapist.

What do you feel is the most under-appreciated muscle?

It’s a tie between gluteus minimus and gluteus medius, there are also fun to say!

What is your treatment style and philosophy?

I’m passionate about regional interdependence and its effect on peripheral symptom provocation (ie if your core isn’t working, then your shoulder will break down at some point).

If you weren’t a physical therapist, what would you be doing?

In my dream, I would be a professional athlete, but I’m too old and not fast enough! Therefore, I will continue to help other athletes achieve their professional dreams.


We are so happy to have her as part of our SetPT team.