Many people use the New Year as an opportunity to reflect on the previous year and make goals to improve their lives in the next.

When it comes to actually sticking with those aspirations, the stats are not in our favor. Did you know that 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions and about 8% of that 45% are successful (1).

Resolutions typically fail because of the way we create them. All-or-none goals with no wiggle-room often leave us overwhelmed and disappointed when we don’t see immediate results.

For more achievable results, try making goals in realistic and measurable terms. Here are some ideas for transforming the most common health goals into attainable steps:

1. Rethink Your Diet

Instead of hoping for a broad overhaul of your diet following a holiday season of overindulgence, start with smaller and more manageable steps toward achieving healthier food habits.

For example, if you’re lacking variety, set a goal to eat at least one colorful vegetable every day. If you’re trying to cut out sugar, say “no” to your sweet tooth once a week. Making smaller and less rigid changes encourages you to develop healthier behaviors.

2. Revamp Your Workout

The average American spends 9 to 11 hours each day sitting (2).

Getting fit is more attainable when you take steps to move more throughout your day. If you sit at an office, make a goal to stand up when you’re talking on the telephone.

If you like to unwind by watching TV, challenge yourself to push ups or air squats during commercials. Other options include parking you car in the farthest space or taking the stairs over the elevator.

Start by implementing one of these suggestions once a week and work up from there.

3. Reboot Your Sleep Routine

Getting better sleep is the foundation for improving your overall health and function.

When it comes to getting some quality zzz’s, set realistic goals around one area of sleep hygiene that you can improve.

For example, if you look at a screen until you drift off, aim to stop screen time one hour before shut-eye.

When using a screen at night, set a resolution to use one that adjusts the light to night-time settings. Keeping the device on the couch and out of the bedroom will encourage healthy sleep associations with your bed.

SetPT is Here to Help

As leading experts in helping improve the way your body works, feels and moves, physical therapists are well suited to help people of all ages and fitness levels reach their wellness goals.

Talk to your physical therapist about ways to make your resolutions attainable. At SetPT we want to help make sure your 2018 is set up to be your best year yet!


  1. The University of Scranton. Journal of Clinical Psychology
  2. Chau JY, Grunseit AC, Chey T, Stamatakis E, Brown WJ, Mattews CE et al. (2013) Daily sitting time and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis