In recent weeks, life has transformed drastically for all of us. Our routines have changed, we’ve had to develop new ways to connect with loved ones, and it’s uncertain how long it will take for things to get back to ‘normal.’ In an effort to social distance, most people are spending the vast majority of their time at home with make-shift work setups, Zoom happy hours, and Netflix binges.

How the Lifestyle Change Impacts Physical Health

This change in routine likely means you won’t be moving as much. Remote work eliminates a walk or biking commute and walks around the office to talk to coworkers or go to and from meetings. This reduced movement, paired with an at-home work setup that may not have the same beneficial ergonomic arrangement of your office, can prove problematic. Our bodies are meant to move; both our bodies and minds are happier when we’re more active.

How to Stay Healthy During Remote Work

The best way to combat negative physical repercussions of staying home most of the time is to make an effort to add more movement to your daily habits. It can be easy to forget some of the basic components of our routine when nothing about our routine is as usual these days. Here are some helpful tips to keep your body (and therefore, you!) happier while stuck at home:

Maintain Good Posture

Whether you are standing or sitting, your computer monitor should be at eye level, with your shoulders kept down and back, about a 90-degree bend in your elbows, and some core engagement to support your lower back. Try to avoid slouching, leaning to one side over the other, or straining your neck forward.

Take Breaks

Set a timer and get up a minimum of once an hour. Put your phone across the room so you have to move to check it, refill your water bottle or coffee mug, take a short walk (while keeping that social distancing mindset!), do a few stretches- anything to keep you moving. You’ll be more productive if you clear your head a bit and move.

Take Advantage of Being at Home

Use your home office to do the things you may not feel comfortable doing at your regular office: use your foam roller, use a lacrosse ball to roll out your back, or do a doorway stretch or child’s pose in the middle of the workday. There isn’t anyone to stop you!

At-Home Workout Options

In this unprecedented time, you may feel less motivated to work out. So many of us exercise by going to gyms, taking classes, and playing in social sports leagues. It can be much easier to find motivation with others pushing you to do that rep you don’t want to do or holding you accountable to show up to the exercise class you felt too tired to take. To prevent yourself from dropping your exercise routine, you can use online workouts to get out of an at-home rut. Plenty of gyms provide great virtual options for workouts and classes. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Cut Seven has sports conditioning style classes, with each day focusing on a different muscle group. They are currently providing daily at-home workouts on their YouTube channel, with a coach leading you through the workout live 3x/day (8 am, 10 am, 5:30 pm) and the video posted later in case you are unable to join in live.
  • [solidcore] posts daily at-home workouts with some of their top instructors on their Instagram page.
  • Rumble showcases free daily, live workouts from their Instagram account.
  • Vida Fitness’s Vimeo page provides a variety of at-home classes by some of their popular instructors.

Gyms across the country are adding online workout options daily. Stay connected with your local gym on social media to see what virtual exercise content they supply.

What to Do if Your Body Still Feels Off

Even when utilizing the above activities, it’s still possible for your body to just not feel ‘right.’ While our physical therapists may not be able to provide the full, in-person PT experience you’re used to at this time, SetPT can support you with telehealth options! We currently offer patients virtual appointments so we can assess your health from a distance and provide personalized suggestions to keep you feeling your best until we can meet face-to-face again. Reach out to your local SetPT to set up a telehealth session today!