Although hip and leg injuries often get the attention of runners, like plantar fasciitis, runner’s knee, and IT band syndrome, for example – lower back pain is also quite prevalent and often ignored.

For people who run, lower back pain is often a symptom of inefficient running mechanics, imbalanced muscle groups, or compensation from another dysfunction.

What does lower back pain for runners mean?

When your muscles and joints are balanced, you are moving efficiently and training correctly. In other words, you won’t experience pain unless there is a traumatic event.

When one or more of those things lean toward the dysfunctional end of the scale, however, it may be due to a dysfunction somewhere else despite the pain’s presence in one location. The site of pain is just the “weak link“ that shows up first.

What causes lower back pain for runners?

Lower back pain could be a symptom of any, all (or none) of the following (your Set PT physical therapist will be able to sort it all out for you and guide you back to health and quickness!)

  • True back dysfunction
  • Tight hip flexors, adductors (inner thigh muscles), calves or shoulder (yes, shoulders!)
  • Weak glutes, ankle stabilizers or oblique abdominals
  • Imbalanced stride (Do you spend equal time on both feet? Do you reach further in front or behind with one foot?)
  • Poor breathing pattern (Do you drop that diaphragm down, or lift your chest to breathe?)
  • Poor running mechanics (too much trunk rotation, too little hip extension or bracing your arms, )

What can Set Physical Therapy do for runners with lower back pain?

Runners require a complex evaluation and assessment due to the intricate interaction of muscle groups and high level of function required for their sport.

Set PT’s physical therapists are highly trained in sports performance and rehabilitation, and will be able to get you back on your feet and speeding along in no time! Reach out to one of our Set PT offices to see if running could be contributing to your back pain today.