Here at SetPT DC, we see a lot of runners. Though almost anyone can participate in the sport whether they’re an athlete or not, performing the right exercises is essential to prevent running injuries.

One of my personal favorite stretches for runners is the dynamic lunge:

The Dynamic Lunge Stretch, Step-by-Step

Take a nice long step forward and bring your hands down toward your front foot. Bring the elbow of the leg that’s forward down toward the inside of your ankle. Hold that position for 5-10 seconds. Then, bring both hands to either side of your front foot and straighten your knee in the front. Hold that position for 5-10 seconds, pressing your back heel down toward the ground. Then step your back leg up to meet your front leg, returning to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

Why the Dynamic Lunge?

This stretch is a great way to warm up your muscles in a dynamic way in preparation for a workout. The dynamic lunge incorporates all of the big muscle groups of your lower legs and back in one efficient stretch. It opens up your hips, glutes, and hamstrings in preparation for running or any sport.

Implementing Proper Technique

I usually advise patients to go down and back about 10-20 feet.

You’ll know you’ve done the stretch right if you’re a little sweaty by the end of the exercise. You can add a twist to the stretch to incorporate the muscles of the lower and mid back. Give it a try before your next work out!

Interested in perfecting your warmup routine? The physical therapists at SetPT can help show you the best way to reap the full benefits of your exercises to both prevent injury and optimize your performance levels.

Schedule an appointment with your local SetPT therapist today to learn more exercises for athletes and non-athletes alike!