When I think about my favorite exercises, both personally and for my West End Center and Metro Center patients, thoracic spine (t-spine) mobility stretches immediately come to mind.

What is the T-Spine?

The thoracic spine is the 12 vertebrae of the middle segment of the vertebral column and moves in all three planes of motion. The t-spine can do rotation, flexion, and extension, as well as side bending. When the movement is limited in any of these three planes, it may cause an issue with other joints.

Though it is often overlooked, thoracic spine mobility is an extremely vital component that can lead to a variety of dysfunctions when not working properly. Poor thoracic mobility can affect the shoulder, neck, lower back, and hip very easily. Unfortunately, our daily habits and posture make us all prone to poor thoracic spine mobility.

So, Why Do We Need Thoracic Spine Mobility?

The average adult spends around 54 minutes a day commuting to and from work. We then spend several hours a day on digital media activities such as working on computers, watching TV, and using our smartphones.

These activities are usually done sitting down, rounded through the thoracic spine, which can put stress on your body and even cause poor posture.

Thoracic Spine Mobility Stretches

There are many variations of thoracic spine mobility exercises and drills out there on the internet. Many of them are great, but not for everyone. Here is a collection of my favorite thoracic spine mobility exercises that can be done using a variety of tools. 

Quick T-Spine Stretches
Three easy stretch exercises to improve your thoracic spine mobility:

Exercise for Releasing Back Pain
Learn how to use a foam roller to roll the middle of your back:

Live Life Your Way

T-spine mobility is essential for adults with desk jobs in particular. If you’re looking to learn more about how to improve your thoracic mobility or would like to build an exercise program that fits your busy schedule, reach out to your local SetPT therapist today!