While we’re obviously big fans of physical therapy, we recognize that most people don’t want to remain in treatment forever. The ultimate goal of any course of PT is to get back to doing all your favorite things and regular activities without any pain or limitations. However, it can be scary to go back to your typical routine after some time away from it.

Consider the following tips throughout your course of treatment so that you feel confident and comfortable after graduation.

Be Clear About Your Goals

Trust us, while we love having you for an hour or two a week,  we want you to get back to the things you enjoy just as much as you do! Whether it’s workout classes, training for a race, or riding your bike on your daily commute, it’s important that you relay those objectives to your physical therapist at the beginning of treatment.

Whatever your goal is, big or small, be upfront. As your symptoms subside and we work on exercises with you, we can personalize our sessions together so they cater to your specific goals. Your physical therapist can also make sure you try out these activities and achieve them successfully before you’re discharged, easing any worries.

Make ‘Homework’ a Priority

We hear it every single day; “I didn’t do my homework.” Maybe you ran out of time, were too busy, or just felt tired. Life can take over, and your physical therapy homework isn’t always a top priority. However, you likely did take the time to watch your favorite show or scroll through Instagram for 30 minutes.

Guess what? You can foam roll while you browse social media and you can stretch while you watch TV. Working your homework into your daily routine will make it more of just that – a ROUTINE, and not a burden. If it becomes a habit, you’ll likely continue your exercises after graduating from PT and avoid having to return to treatment due to a flare-up.

Keep Up With It

After finishing physical therapy, you should be significantly stronger than when you began and be left with plenty of exercises to continue your journey. Make sure you stay on the right track by continuing to strengthen your body. Take that gym membership off hold, sign up to work with a trainer or take some classes.

Hold yourself accountable to keep getting stronger and protecting your body from injury. Not sure where to start? Ask your PT for recommendations on trainers they trust or gyms and classes they like. We can guide you in the right direction or introduce you to knowledgeable instructors and trainers to help keep you active and healthy.

Remember We’re Here for You

Life after physical therapy might seem intimidating, especially if you recently recovered from a significant injury. But graduation from PT doesn’t mean your therapist will disappear just because you no longer see them every week.

Have you done all of the suggestions above and something hurts again? Or perhaps you didn’t follow these tips and you’re now experiencing a flare-up.  Whatever the circumstances of your pain, give the SetPT physical therapists a call and we will be happy to get you back on track!