One of the most common injuries suffered by runners is knee pain. From novice runners to experienced competitors, knee pain can be debilitating and sideline your training schedule.
At SetPT, we want you to keep running injury-free. Below we outline some of the most common causes of knee pain in runners, options for managing knee pain, and how physical therapy can help you get back and stay on track!
What Could Be Causing Knee Pain?
There are many causes of knee pain in runners. The most common condition is called “runner’s knee,” which is classified as pain around the front of the knee and under the kneecap. This discomfort is potentially caused by quadriceps weakness, hip weakness or muscle tightness.
Iliotibial band (IT) tendonitis is another injury commonly seen in runners, characterized by pain on the outside of the knee caused by friction from the IT band on the outer surface of the shin. This pain usually comes from overuse or adding too many miles too quickly.
Finally, meniscus tears sideline many runners each year. Aging and abruptly twisting the knee are common causes of meniscus tears.
What Can I Do About It?
Depending on your injury, the first course of action may be to stop running or reduce mileage to let any inflammation subside.
Applying ice and taking a course of anti-inflammatory medications may also help in reducing pain. Performing various cross-training exercises, such as swimming, biking or elliptical, may be a good way to maintain cardiovascular fitness while resting your knee from the impact of running.
The most important step to take is seeing a physical therapist for a proper diagnosis and treatment protocol for your specific injury.
How Can Physical Therapy Help With My Knee Pain?
A physical therapist will assess your knee pain and the structures surrounding your knee, such as your ankle, hip and lumbar spine, in order to determine which of the many joints may be contributing to your pain.
They will also look at your running gait and analyze it for any dysfunctions that may be causing your injury. Then, your therapist will give you specific strengthening, stabilization, and flexibility exercises to address your unique issue.
No two runners are the same! Everyone’s stride, gait pattern and muscle performance is unique and should be addressed individually. A physical therapist will work with you to formulate the best rehabilitation program to get you back on your feet as soon as possible.
If you’re a runner experiencing knee pain, call to schedule your appointment with a SetPT physical therapist today! They can help you get back to running injury-free and give you the tools to prevent further injury.