During the colder months, many golfer patients ask me, “What can I do to prep for the upcoming season?” I recommend these patients perform my go-to exercises for off-season training, shown below.

I always say that mobility without stability equals disability, and the same goes for stability without mobility. For our bodies to move well, we need to be able to have the body move efficiently. Read on to learn how to implement the big ‘4×4’, eight exercises that golfers can use to ensure their bodies are progressing and moving well.

Functional Exercises for Golfers

These winter warm-ups for off-season training are broken down into mobility and stability, as those two functions are essential for any golfer:

Mobility Exercises

1. Dynamic Sumo Stretch

This is one of my favorite in season and offseason stretches. The Dynamic Sumo Stretch focuses on opening up the hips initially, and then on lengthening the hamstrings, calf muscles and finally the lower back.

One of the most important things for golfers to address during the off-season is lower extremity mobility. The muscles of the lower body have a significant impact on how you can produce force when swinging a golf club.

2. Dynamic Lunge Stretch

This stretch focuses on the front of the thigh and on mid back mobility. Golfers need to make sure they have adequate hip and spinal mobility, making the Dynamic Lunge Stretch a perfect warm-up for their bodies.

3. Open Book

The Open Book is a great stretch for trunk and back mobility, and one of my personal favorites when trying to open up the mid and lower back.

4. Door or Counter Stretch

This is a great mobility stretch for opening the shoulder girdle, mid back and lower back. Door/Counter stretches are also very effective in lengthening one’s hamstrings.

Stability Exercises

1. Goblet Squats

This exercise will increase glute strength to promote a more explosive swing.

2. Sword Pulls

Also known as a Sword Draw, Sword Pulls will help increase core stability and rotational strength on your swing.

3. Core Rotations

This warm-up focuses on core strength and helps you achieve a more dramatic twist.

4. Monster Walks

Monster Walks do wonders for your hips, promoting more strength with hip rotation and your follow through.

Want to make sure your golf game is at its best? The physical therapists at SetPT can help you find workouts and warm-ups for golfers and tailor an exercise program to your specific needs. If you’re ready to show the golf course what you’re made of, contact us today!