There have been so many incredible advancements in technology made in recent years. Whether they’ve made our lives easier or simply more enjoyable, we all benefit from these new technologies every day. Nowadays, there’s a wealth of knowledge readily available at our fingertips, and relaxing is easier than ever with streaming services that let us binge-watch our favorite shows all in one sitting.

But how often do we stop to think about what this might be doing to our physical health?

The Dark Side of Technology

Though there’s no denying the many advantages to technological advancements, there are a few ways this influx of tech can negatively impact our health. In addition to an overall more sedentary lifestyle, an abundance of technology can also have the following side effects: 

Bad Sleeping Patterns

Whether it’s due to feeling like you must always be available on your phone or scrolling through social media into the wee hours of the morning, technology has a way of making us get less sleep. Sleep helps our bodies heal and recover, so not getting enough hours in can be detrimental to your health. 

Poor Posture

Both looking down at our phones for long periods and lounging in a slouched position for hours on end can result in a combination of musculoskeletal imbalances that may eventually contribute to pain such as discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and lower back.

More Frequent Headaches

Screen time alone can be enough to bring on a headache. Increased stress on the neck musculature from poor posture may also lead to an individual experiencing more headaches

Minimizing Health Problems

While it’s completely fine and normal to spend some time in less than ideal positions and relax in front of the TV for a few hours, our bodies are much happier when they experience movement. Staying in certain postural positions for too long can result in imbalances, eventually leading to pain and discomfort.

Nobody expects you to live a tech-free life, but there are tactics you can use to reduce the negative effects it has on your body:

  • Take breaks! These don’t have to be long ones but try to move around at least once an hour. Put down your phone and go for a quick walk to keep active.
  • Hold your phone up at eye level. This will allow you to keep a more neutral type of posture and prevent discomfort in the neck.
  • Make sure that your work desk setup is primed to help you maintain proper posture throughout the day.

Are you having trouble getting symptoms of discomfort to subside on your own? Contact your local SetPT today! Our physical therapists will assess your situation and come up with a personalized plan to keep both you and your body happy and healthy.