Coming back from an injury is difficult in many respects. There is the long, physical rehabilitation, hours of exercise, and physical therapy to strengthen muscles, restore range of motion, and regain function. But there is also a psychological component to returning from an injury, which recent research shows is just as important as the physical aspect. Fear of reinjury may impact post-recovery outcomes, and anxiety after an injury can actually limit the recovery process.

How Fear of Reinjury Can Affect Performance

Anxiety, fear, depression, frustration, and a lack of self-esteem are not uncommon after a significant injury, especially one that greatly limits function and participation of recreational activities. People often develop kinesiophobia, or a fear of movement, following an injury like ACL tears. This can lead to a host of issues and negative outcomes in the rehab process, such as altered biomechanics, stiffened movement and joint protection, and dysfunctional muscle activation patterns. People may also self-limit their activities, actively choosing not to participate in beneficial activities due to fear of reinjury.

How to Manage Anxiety and Fear of Reinjury

Going through rehabilitation post-injury is equal parts physical and mental! You need a strong support network, a good physical therapist, and a good mental health provider to strengthen both your muscles and your mind. Keeping a log of your progress is a good way to remind yourself of how much you’re improving. Finding something each day that brings you joy and happiness can lift your spirits, whether it’s riding a bike for five minutes or taking a walk around the block. It is normal and expected to feel frustrated after an injury, but looking at each challenge as an opportunity instead of an obstacle can empower you to accomplish things you may have thought impossible and reframe your recovery in a positive way.

At SetPT, we understand that not feeling your best is not only physically challenging but that it takes a toll on your mental health. We strive to empower our patients in their recovery process and help to manage the healing process holistically. Contact SetPT today to start recovering with a supportive team of highly-trained physical therapists by your side.